The PSAT test is designed by the College Board, the same company that designs the SAT and AP. 

The PSAT test evaluates his academic strengths and weaknesses prior to his senior year. The score also measures his readiness in three basic academic areas: critical reading, mathematics, and writing skills. Freshmen will take the PSAT 8/9 and sophomores and juniors will take the PSAT/ NMSQT. Juniors have the opportunity to compete for National Merit recognition which could earn them some serious scholarship dollars. 

Soon, students will receive a student guide with a practice test during their English class. Please take the time to review this information. A sample PSAT/NMSQT practice test-and-answer document for practice. There is no online version of the PSAT 8/9 practice test. 

Students will report to their assigned testing room at 8 a.m. on exam day. They must be in dress code and will also need the following items on test day: Their school ID, several No. 2 pencils (no mechanical pencils), and a calculator.

Tips for the Exam

  • Take the exam seriously
  • Get plenty of sleep the night before the exam
  • Eat a good breakfast
  • Mark all of the bubbles clearly
  • Follow all directions from the room supervisors
  • Do not spend too much time on any one question
  • Review each section if time allows

If you have any questions please contact your son’s counselor and they will be happy to help.