Foreign Language
The Foreign Language Department supports the Lasallian mission of helping students develop intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually for the sake of becoming genuine global citizens.
Our program requires two consecutive years of language study. We offer both Spanish and French.
We offer Honors and AP to those juniors and seniors who wish to continue their studies at an advanced level.
We offer Honors and AP to those juniors and seniors who wish to continue their studies at an advanced level.
Our program goal is to develop students’ communicative competence in all four modes of communication and expose them to the cultures that speak these languages to promote greater understanding, tolerance, and acceptance of others.
Foreign Language Courses
- 412 - French I
- 415 - Spanish I
- 416 - Honors Spanish I
- 421 - French II
- 425 - Spanish II
- 427 - Hon. Spanish II
- 432 - Honors French III
- 435 - Hon. Spanish III
- 442 - AP French IV
- 445 - AP Spanish IV
412 - French I
412 – FRENCH I
1 Credit
Grade Offered: 9 (10 for FAST students)
Prerequisites: None
Grade Offered: 9 (10 for FAST students)
Prerequisites: None
French I is an introductory level course, which assumes that the student has no background in the language. Learning the basics of the language represents the goal of this course. The emphasis will be on the development of the four language skills: listening/ comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. Specifically, this course will teach students the sounds of the language, pronunciation, basic vocabulary on major topics, basic grammar structures and verb conjugation in the present and the near future. Through various readings and authentic listening/ video activities students will become aware of the French and Francophone cultures. Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to sustain a basic conversation in French, to comprehend audio and video materials, to read simple passages, and to write at an elementary level on the topics studied.
415 - Spanish I
1 Credit
Grade Offered: 9 (10 for FAST students)
Prerequisites: None
Grade Offered: 9 (10 for FAST students)
Prerequisites: None
Spanish I is an introductory course focused on developing the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, primarily through learning vocabulary on major topics, pronunciation and basic grammar structures – namely the present and the near future - in order to build communicative competence. The course also aims to heighten students’ cultural awareness through cultural readings in the target language and real-life conversations. No prior language experience required. This course is designed to prepare students for Spanish II or Honors Spanish II based on their teacher recommendation.
416 - Honors Spanish I
1 Credit
Grade Offered: 9
Prerequisites: B or higher in a one-year Spanish course meeting everyday in 8th grade or counselor approval
Grade Offered: 9
Prerequisites: B or higher in a one-year Spanish course meeting everyday in 8th grade or counselor approval
This is a more intensive introductory course focused on developing the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, primarily through learning vocabulary on major topics, pronunciation and basic grammar structures – namely the present and the near future - in order to build communicative competence. The course also aims to heighten students’ cultural awareness through cultural readings in the target language and real-life conversations. Students are encouraged to continue studying Spanish at the honors level throughout their language career. No prior language experience required. This course is designed to prepare students for Spanish II or Honors Spanish II based on their teacher recommendation.
421 - French II
1 Credit
Grade Offered: 10 (11 for FAST Students)
Prerequisites: French I
Grade Offered: 10 (11 for FAST Students)
Prerequisites: French I
The aim of the second year of study is to prepare students toward proficiency. The four language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing will continue to be developed, with a focus on oral communicative competence and more complex paragraph writing. Vocabulary and grammar from the previous year will be reviewed and expanded through the introduction of new topics, new vocabulary, and grammar structures. Exposure to the francophone cultures will represent an important part of the course. Upon the completion of this course students will be able to sustain a conversation, to describe past, present, and future events in speaking and writing, and to read passages on the topics studied at a low-intermediate level.
425 - Spanish II
1 Credit
Grade Offered: 10 (11 for FAST Students)
Prerequisites: Spanish I and teacher endorsement
Grade Offered: 10 (11 for FAST Students)
Prerequisites: Spanish I and teacher endorsement
At the onset of Spanish II, students will be expected to utilize the knowledge gained in Spanish I – namely basic grammar structures including the present tense, pronunciation, and vocabulary on major topics. In Spanish II, the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing are further developed through the learning of new vocabulary and the past tenses in authentic contexts. An increased emphasis is placed on cultural awareness through print and audio texts from internet resources to increase students' knowledge of the products, practices, perspectives of the Spanish-speaking world. This course is for those students who don’t intend to take more than the required two years of Spanish at De La Salle. Those students who wish to continue studying Spanish should seek a teacher recommendation to enroll in Honors Spanish III.
427 - Hon. Spanish II
1 Credit
Grade Offered: 10
Prerequisites: “B” in Spanish I and teacher endorsement
Grade Offered: 10
Prerequisites: “B” in Spanish I and teacher endorsement
Beginning Hon. Spanish II students will be expected to utilize the knowledge gained at the Spanish I level - namely basic grammar structures including the present tense, pronunciation and vocabulary on major topics - in order to communicate through reading, writing, speaking and listening at a novice level. In Hon. Spanish II, all four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) are emphasized, with focus on gaining confidence in these skills in authentic contexts. Through learning additional vocabulary and verb tenses, students successfully communicate with their peers in the target language. Additionally, an increased emphasis is placed on cultural awareness through print and audio texts from internet resources to increase students' knowledge of the products, practices, perspectives of the Spanish-speaking world. This course is designed to prepare students for Honors Spanish III based on their teacher recommendation.
432 - Honors French III
1 Credit
Grades Offered: 11, 12 (Elective)
Prerequisites: “B+” in French II, teacher endorsement
Grades Offered: 11, 12 (Elective)
Prerequisites: “B+” in French II, teacher endorsement
Level III is designed to review and expand the vocabulary and grammar studied in French II continuing to reinforce and further develop the listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills with emphasis on speaking, reading, and writing. Upon the completion of this course students will be able to sustain conversations formally and informally on various topics, to express in writing thoughts, ideas, using a higher level of language, and to gain additional insights into the culture of the countries where the language is spoken through exposure to authentic audio, video, and written materials. The class is conducted partly in French introducing students to different parts of discourse- conversation, journalism, literature, new grammar structures, and verb conjugation, including the Conditional Clause, and the Subjunctive.
435 - Hon. Spanish III
1 Credit
Grades Offered: 11, 12 (Elective)
Prerequisites: Hon. Spanish II and teacher endorsement
Grades Offered: 11, 12 (Elective)
Prerequisites: Hon. Spanish II and teacher endorsement
Beginning Hon. Spanish III, students will be expected to utilize the knowledge gained at the Spanish I and Hon. Spanish II levels - namely grammar structures used to express the present, past, and future, pronunciation, and vocabulary on major topics - in order to communicate through reading, writing, speaking and listening at an intermediate level. As an advanced language course, Spanish III continues to reinforce and further develop the students’ proficiency in the skill areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing with more emphasis on oral and written communication. There is also a more intense study of reading and listening comprehension through literature, expository texts, and short films from and about Hispanic and Spanish cultures to help further develop students’ skills as well as their global awareness. A good portion of the class is conducted in Spanish. There is a more intense and sophisticated study of all new and previously learned grammar and vocabulary. This class is taught in order to thoroughly prepare the student to be successful at the AP Spanish IV level.
442 - AP French IV
1 Credit
Grade Offered: 12 (Elective)
Prerequisites: “B” in Hnr French III, teacher endorsement, and approval of department leader
Grade Offered: 12 (Elective)
Prerequisites: “B” in Hnr French III, teacher endorsement, and approval of department leader
AP French IV is a college level course which prepares students for the Advanced Placement Exam which is offered at the teacher’s discretion but not required. Students work to refine their language skills – listening, through audio/ video materials, speaking, through guided presentations, dialogues and debates, and essay writing- demonstrating sensitivity and precision in organizing and expressing their thoughts in a more sophisticated manner. The amount of reading is increased through exposure to various literary selections from classic and contemporary French literature. An important part of the course is based on communication in real life situations and on current topics. Vocabulary and grammar are continually reviewed and expanded through the study of indirect discourse, idiomatic expressions, and stylistics. The class is conducted almost exclusively in French.
445 - AP Spanish IV
1 Credit
Grade Offered: 12 (Elective)
Prerequisites: “B” in Spanish III, teacher endorsement, and approval of department leader
Grade Offered: 12 (Elective)
Prerequisites: “B” in Spanish III, teacher endorsement, and approval of department leader
Beginning AP Spanish IV, students will be expected to utilize the knowledge gained at the Spanish I and Hon. Spanish II and III levels - namely grammar structures learned, pronunciation, and vocabulary on major topics - in order to communicate through reading, writing, speaking and listening at an advanced level. While emphasis continues on the development of skills of listening, reading, writing, and speaking in AP Spanish, stress is placed on using these skills together to effectively communicate in various situations and about topics found in the real world. Selected readings from literature and current events are chosen from the textbook and various media sources to further students’ reading comprehension. Listening comprehension is further developed through various audio and visual media including news reports, short, and feature films. Students’ writing abilities in Spanish are refined through the composition of various types of essays, stories, and informal communication. Students further develop their speaking skills through class participation and discussion of ideas and the presentation of various oral presentations and projects. The class is conducted almost exclusively in Spanish. Great emphasis is placed on idiomatic expressions and phrases as well as regional differences of the Spanish language. Most grammar that is learned in previous courses is reviewed in depth and is applied in a more sophisticated manner to refine students’ language skills. Advanced Placement exam is offered at the instructor’s discretion, but not required for this class.