When should I start the application for my son?
Students apply for admission to De La Salle Collegiate during the fall of their eighth-grade school year. See our Apply Now page for details.
Does my son have to be Catholic to attend De La Salle Collegiate?
No. Students of any faith may attend De La Salle. Our overall student population is over 80 percent Catholic. All students are required to take Theology courses, attend all-school Masses, attend grade-level retreats, and participate in school service.
Do you have to have a high High School Placement Test (HSPT) to be considered for admission to De La Salle?
Does my son have to take the HSPT before I submit the application?
No. you can take the test and submit the application in any order you choose. You should submit the application as soon as possible so your current school has time to complete their portion of the process.
I am not fully decided on where my son will attend high school. Should I still submit the application and have him take the HSPT?
Yes! Submitting the application and taking the test to ensure that you are given full consideration for acceptance, academic scholarships, and tuition assistance.
If I submit the application and my son takes the HSPT, are we locked into tuition?
No. You do not make any payments or deposits until March of your 8th-grade year. This is after you receive your acceptance and have gone through the tuition assistance process.
Should I wait to submit the application until after I see how my son scored on the HSPT?
HSPT results are not sent home until January. At that time your application would be considered late. There is no fee for the application. Therefore, we encourage you to submit the application before December 15 to ensure you are given full consideration for acceptance and tuition assistance if needed.
Does De La Salle require a minimum HSPT score?
De La Salle uses the scores to determine the correct academic course placement and to determine academic scholarships. We use it place your son into the right level of coursework and to determine academic scholarships.
If my son does poorly on the November HSPT, should he retake the test in December?
No. The Archdiocese of Detroit only allows you to take the HSPT once. If you do poorly on the test, then our Academic Support team (Response to Intervention) will do additional testing to determine appropriate placement.
My son has a 504 plan or IEP. Can he receive accommodations on the HSPT?
Yes, if your son has a current 504 plan or IEP, he can take the HSPT with accommodations. However, he must take the HSPT on the December testing date. De La Salle must receive the date and the Accommodations Verification Form at least one week prior to the test.
I would love to send my son to De La Salle, but I cannot afford the tuition. What can I do?
You are not alone. Nearly half of the families at De La Salle receive tuition assistance. We never want tuition to be the reason a family cannot send their son to De La Salle. We strongly urge families concerned about tuition to speak with the De La Salle Admissions Office.
I make too much to qualify for tuition assistance, but I still cannot afford the current tuition for my children. What do I do?
We urge every family to go through the financial aid process. We remain committed to finding a reasonable solution to tuition. Once again, we strongly urge families to contact the Admissions Office if they are concerned about affordability.
Can my son earn an athletic scholarship?
No. De La Salle does NOT award athletic or talent-based scholarships. To lower tuition costs, parents may apply for need-based tuition assistance, participate in the SCRIP program, earn an academic scholarship based on the High School Placement Test, or receive a sibling discount. No student receives athletic scholarships.
We live 30 minutes away. How am I going to get my son to school?
De La Salle is a commuter school and the school is open from 6 a.m. until 8 p.m. each school day. The Admissions Office facilitates car pools. Currently, students from over four counties and 70 communities attend De La Salle.