8th Grade Algebra Class Continues to Add to Prospective Student Success

Each morning, at 7 a.m., a group of nine eighth-grade boys, from three area grade schools, meet with Mr. Joe Novak for a 40-minute Algebra class.

Now in its second year, the before-school offering enables students to learn Algebra I with an experienced De La Salle math teacher. The boys’ parents deliver their sons each morning for class; a DLS bus then transports the students to their home grade schools.

Novak said the group, which has students from St. Isaac Jogues and St. Germaine (St. Clair Shores), and St. Anne (Warren), has “been respectful and has meshed nicely.” He added, “They come in eager to learn.”

The class is offered to boys in area Catholic grade schools.

Students in the 2022-2023 group, who are now freshmen, are enrolled in Geometry, a typical sophomore class. 

Mrs. Ashlee Barrett has a current freshman at De La Salle, who was in the inaugural class during his eighth-grade year. Another son, an eighth-grader at St. Isaac Jogues, is now in the morning class. 

“Mr. Novak’s Algebra 1 class has been a great blessing for our sons,” said Mrs. Barrett. “When it was first suggested to us, we were hesitant to place our soon-to-be eighth grader into a high school setting, when he was already in a wonderful environment in his grade school. But, he was ready for the academic challenge, so he joined the inaugural class of seven boys. We all quickly realized this class benefits the boys not only in math, but also in getting to know each other well. They had friends from day one of high school.”

She added, “Mr. Novak is a phenomenal math teacher. My sons both agree that he makes it seem easy because he explains everything so well! We hope our younger sons can take advantage when they are in eighth grade. Thank you, DLS and Mr. Novak, for this great opportunity.”

Novak teaches Advanced Algebra 2, Honors Pre-Calculus, and AP 
Calculus BC. Additionally, he chairs the Math Department. 

“Assuming the students continue to do well, they will be taking Algebra 2 as sophomores, Calculus AB as juniors, and then Calculus BC as seniors,” Novak said.


8th Grade Algebra Class Continues to Add to Prospective Student Success
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