Alumnus Earns Eagle Scout Award

Congratulations to De La Salle Collegiate Alumnus Brendan Milligan, Class of 2023, who was recently honored for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. 

Brendan’s Court of Honor was held on October 6, 2024, at the Holy Innocents/St. Barnabas Gym in Roseville. 

A long time Scout, Brendan’s project involved creating a more accessible storage location for donated goods at the church. 

The storage area in the church’s basement had shelves with water damage; his project involved cleaning out a more accessible room, painting the room, building and staining shelves, and then finally moving the unexpired food.

As part of the project, Brendan raised money by collecting empty pop cans; the funds then were used to purchase paint, some hardware items like screws, and lumber for the additional shelving. He also re-used some of the metal shelving. 

Brendan asked those attending his Court of Honor to consider a donation of non-perishable food items for the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry as they prepare for the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. 

While a student at DLS, Brendan was involved with Campus Ministry and served as an altar boy and sacristan at both DLS and his home parish. He also played trumpet in the DLS Band and participated in E-Sports and the Sportsmen’s Club. 

Mr. Mike Jolly, who heads the Sportsmen’s Club, has high praise for Milligan.

“I've always found Brendan to be genuine and of very high character - an outstanding representative of his family, our school, and the Scouts,” said Jolly. 

Brendan’s father Brian is also an alumnus, Class of 1988, and has worked closely with scouting activities his entire life. 

Brendan’s grandparents served as the weekly bingo chairs at DLS for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Milligan were also active with the DLS Dads’ Club and the Christian Brothers’ Auxiliary. 

Brendan attended the Lake Shore Public Schools prior to entering De La Salle. He lives in Eastpointe with his parents Brian and Bernadette Milligan

Alumnus Earns Eagle Scout Award
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