DLS Campus Ministry Prepares for Advent

The DLS Campus Ministers, Sr. Kathleen Matz, CDP, and Br. Carl Malacalza, FSC, are encouraging the De La Salle Family to participate in various prayerful opportunities during Advent, which begins on Sunday, December 3.

Advent, the four-week season of remembering the arrival of Jesus on Earth, is characterized by an Advent wreath, with four candles, symbolizing anticipation. 

The school’s Advent Wreath will be near the school’s main entrance, with a banner focused on Joy, reminding us that true JOY focuses on Jesus, Others, and lastly, Yourself. 

The Campus Ministers have also shared an Advent opportunity called “I Am Here.” Those who sign up for it, receive an inspirational daily text message with an article, video, or quote, and encouragement to complete a short daily prayer challenge. 

To sign up, Text “ADVENT” to 84576 or visit https://www.iamhere.org/advent 

The website also lists Metro Detroit parishes offering adoration services during Advent.

At DLS, the Blessed Exposition of the Eucharist and Adoration will be on both Wednesday, December 6, and Wednesday, December 7. Students will be prepared for this experience in their Theology classes. 

The Feast of the Immaculate Conception will be celebrated at the all-school liturgy on December 8. 

DLS Campus Ministry Prepares for Advent
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