Senior Brendan Goeddeke will be heading to Wayne State University next fall, but first, he is heading to the National Junior Fencing Olympics held this weekend at the Convention Center in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Brendan began fencing two years ago with the Renaissance Fencing Club in Troy, MI. His mother had suggested he try the sport, and Brendan caught the attention of the club’s director as well as the head fencing coach at Wayne State and some other universities.
Brendan was practicing twice a week and settled on the saber. While fencing also includes epee and foil, Brendan said, “Saber was not a conscious choice; it was just the one I signed up for.”
Brendan has already competed in several fencing tournaments.
The North Carolina event is for athletes under 18. Doing well at that tournament qualifies Brendan for potential International Competition. A spot on the U.S. Olympic team is always an outside chance.
While his fencing club is named “Renaissance,” in many ways, Brendan himself is a “Renaissance Man.”
His high school activities include music and drama: playing flute in the DLS Concert Band and participating in the school chorus, as well as appearing in the fall 2023 production of “Hello Dolly” at Regina High School.
Brendan is a member of the DLS eSports team, and part of the Overwatch team that won a state championship.
He is a member of the DLS SAVE (Students Against Vandalizing the Environment) and working on plans for a butterfly garden on the school grounds.
He plans to major in environmental science or engineering.
“I was first impressed by Brendan for his focused intellectual curiosity and his knowledge of the natural world,” said Mike Jolly, veteran faculty and staff member. “To later learn of his wide-ranging interests and talents only impresses me more.”
Recently Brendan joined the newly-formed Philosophy Club, under the direction of faculty member Dave Kirck.
Brendan has also participated in the Board Game Club, and cites that as one of his favorite activities.
DLS Principal Brother Ken Kalinowski commented, “Brendan has been very active in all aspects of De La Salle. He is a friendly, happy young man! I am proud that he is a Pilot.”
Brendan has taken a variety of Advanced Placement (AP) classes including AP English Language and Composition, AP Literature and Composition, AP Human Geography, and AP Statistics.
His favorite teacher is Brent Castine, who teaches the AP Human Geography class.
Brendan advises freshmen, “Find people that have shared interests.”
He attended Carleton Middle School and was in the school’s advanced math and science classes.
His parents are Christopher ‘86 Goeddeke and Amy Park-Goeddeke. His late grandfather Mike Goeddeke was a Class of 1960 alumnus. His late uncle, Brother Daniel Goeddeke, ‘54, spent most of his Christian Brothers’ ministry working with reform school boys in Buffalo, NY. Brendan has an older brother and sister; the family lives in Sterling Heights.
The family attends St. Blase Church in Sterling Heights.