Senior Spotlight: Charlie Shick

Senior Charles “Charlie” Shick is a “man for all seasons.” 

  • He has led the drum line and percussion sections of the DLS Marching, Concert,and Pep Bands.
  • His acting credits include character roles in a variety of productions at De La Salle and Regina High Schools. 
  • He serves as safety captain for the DLS Robotics team.
  • Since the age of 3, he has performed in a Polish folk dancing group, Halka, which performs around the metro Detroit area.
  • And he is one of the students who appears at school events as “Captain Spirit.”

Both his brother Jared Shick ‘20 and cousin Evan Krass ‘21 attended De La Salle, so Charlie, who attended St. Germaine in St. Clair Shores, decided to follow in their footsteps. 

He has played drums for the last four years after initial lessons at a local music store. During performances, he primarily plays the snare drum but has also played the bass drum, cymbals, timpani, and melodic percussion in the Concert Band. For the last two years, he has led the drum line and percussion sections, responsible for controlling instrument selection and ensuring attendance and practice. 

When the DLS Robotics team headed to a Robotics competition two years ago, DLS Marketing Director Kevin Fitzhenry asked Charlie to don the Captain Spirit costume to show school spirit during the event. 

“I have held the privilege of being Captain Spirit since sophomore year, and re-applied and re-auditioned my junior and senior years to keep this privilege,” Charlie said. “I keep doing this because I love supporting my school and giving students a chance to show their school spirit.”

Charlie serves as the Robotics team Safety Captain, making sure all team members are following safety procedures while working with power tools. 

His acting roles at DLS and Regina began in his freshman year, and he is looking forward to the DLS Wig and Mask Society (WAMS) production later this year. 

Charlie’s academic resume includes AP Biology, along with some other honors and advanced classes. 

Mrs. Mary Balamucki, who taught Charlie AP Biology during his junior year, said, “Charlie worked hard, and participated fully in the class. I enjoyed working with him.”

Charlie Shick as Capt. Spirit at a Robotics Competition

Charlie Shick as Capt. Spirit at a Robotics Competition

Mr. Mike Shortt also has high praise for Charlie. 

“I have had Charlie in class a couple of times, and also in advisory for two years where I got to know him well,” Shortt said. “He has many great qualities. He always seems to be in a good mood, and that can be infectious.” 

Shortt added, “He has a quiet confidence about himself. He is polite, well-spoken, intelligent, and caring. He can discuss, debate, converse with anyone from any grade level about almost anything.” 

First-year faculty member Ms. Amanda Hammou, who teaches Theology, has gotten to know Charlie. “His involvement with the band, theatre, and dressing as the mascot are all impactful and necessary for the school’s culture,” Hammou said. “The most inspiring trait Charlie exudes within DLS is his ability to unapologetically be himself always. I am glad I have had the chance to get to know him this year.” 

Charlie advises incoming freshmen to try everything DLS has to offer.

He plans to major in communications and has applied to the University of Michigan, Oakland University, and Hope College, although his first choice is Oakland University. 

Charlie lives with his parents, Robert and Andrea Shick in Harrison Township. The family attends St. Hubert’s (Harrison Township). 

Senior Spotlight: Charlie Shick
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