Senior Spotlight: Gianmarco Rizzo

“Once a Pilot, always a Pilot.” 

Generations of alumni proudly identify themselves as proud graduates of De La Salle Collegiate, and many also describe themselves as lifetime Pilots. 

But senior Gianmarco Rizzo is also a licensed pilot; he recently passed his test for the PPL (Private Pilot License) and is certified to fly a four-passenger Cessna. 

Gianmarco, who plans to attend Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Florida, developed a passion for flying, and began taking lessons at the Romeo State Airport, on 32 Mile Rd., in Ray Township. 

An enthusiastic traveler, he hopes to become a commercial pilot for Delta Air Lines. 

Gianmarco’s family is from Italy, and he has dual citizenship:  the United States and Italy. 

His interests go beyond flying, however. 

A four-year varsity tennis player, Gianmarco captained the team this year. He is also the Secretary of the World Cultures Club, a member of the National Honor Society, a member of the Student Council, and a Link Crew leader. This year, he started the school’s Ping Pong Club - a group that plays at lunchtime. 

Varsity Tennis Coach Annmarie Michol has high praise for her team captain. 
“Gianmarco is  a remarkable young man whose passion for tennis is matched only by his exceptional leadership skills,” Michol said. “His commitment to perfection and continuous improvement has not only earned him numerous accolades but has also inspired those around him. Off the court, Gianmarco assumes the role of a natural leader. Whether it's organizing school events, mentoring younger players, or collaborating, he demonstrates a rare ability to inspire and unite others. His positive attitude creates an environment where everyone feels motivated to give their best.”

Gianmarco has also served on a faculty-student committee to provide feedback and suggestions for the DLS food service company. 

With a GPA of just under 4.2, Gianmarco will be graduating summa cum laude with the Class of 2024. He has taken several Advanced Placement (AP) classes already including U.S. History as a sophomore, and Government, Language and Composition, and Chemistry as a junior. His senior year schedule includes four AP classes: French, Calculus AB, Psychology, and Literature and Composition. 

Social Studies teacher Thaier Mukhtar says, “Gianmarco was a great student in AP Government, extremely engaged in our discussions. He scored the highest grade in the class, more importantly shared and defended his views on the social issues in society.  He had so many traits that I respected as his teacher, traits that will definitely make him a leader in society. As an instructor, you worry about the future for some of your pupils, for Gianmarco, I have zero concerns, he will be a positive asset in society.”

Gianmarco says his favorite class has been Church History, and his favorite teacher is Mr. John Berlin. 

A few weeks ago, Gianmarco was the assistant rector for the February 2024 Kairos retreat. 

Faculty member Ben Westphal, who is an assistant coach for the varsity tennis team and also organizes the “Service Saturday” volunteer efforts, said, “Gianmarco is a fantastic Pilot. He is a natural-born leader who is mature beyond his years. He has led by example in all he does, including his volunteering at St. Hyacinth Church and his mentorship to freshmen students in Link Crew. I am proud of his growth over the past few years and am excited to see the success he has in the future.”

Gianmarco advises freshmen to really focus on freshmen year and lay a good academic foundation. 

“As classes get harder, you are already in a good spot,” Gianmarco said. 

Although Gianmarco shadowed at other schools, he chose to attend DLS because “it felt like home.” 

He has played piano since the second grade, and has played for both St. Mary of the Hills and St. Andrew in Rochester. Gianmarco attended Holy Family Regional School, and lives in Rochester Hills with his parents Rocky and Lisa. His sister is a sophomore at Regina High School. 

Senior Spotlight: Gianmarco Rizzo
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