Distance Learning

"Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

Matthew 11:28

Nate Maus leads De La Salle teachers in a lecture on distance learning.

Distance Learning Mission: To continue to build relationships and deliver a continuation of education using distance learning methods.

Guiding Philosophy: Touching Hearts, Teaching Minds

Relationship building: Staff will be calling the primary listed phone number each week for a social-emotional well-being check-in. 

Faith: Everyday there will still be a reflection or prayer posted to social media.

Teacher Expectations: Teachers are using Google Classroom (GC) primarily and may use other computer applications. Teachers will be using voice and/or video weekly when possible and appropriate in addition to slides, worksheets, images, external videos and reading guides. Weekly video chat sessions, if possible, should take place during the normally scheduled class time to prevent timing conflict.

Student expectations: Check your individual GC every day according to the Purple/Gold schedule. Check your email multiple times per day. Remember to submit your attendance check for each class. Email teachers during the normal school day (8 a.m. - 3 p.m.) if you have good questions and expect an answer within 24 hours. Sign in for the offered video chat times. Take your time and think through the assignments before asking a question via email. Stay healthy and communicate if things change. Send videos and images of your distance learning experience to marketing@delasallehs.com.

Parent expectations: Wake your son up at a normal school time. Check in with your son to see how his classes are going. Encourage your son to reach out to teachers and his counselor with questions or concerns. Communicate with counselors if things change at home with health and well-being.

Counselors/Academic Intervention: Will continue to support students and parents in the transition. Email counselors to set up a phone call or Google Hangout appointment.

Grades: Students will submit a short exit ticket assignment everyday. The students will also be assigned projects, papers or performance tasks that take multiple days to research, finish and submit. Traditional quizzes/tests are also possible. “Normal” final exams will not happen. New normal assessments are being created collaboratively. Semester grades will be an average of 3rd quarter and fourth quarter final grades (50/50 for this semester only)

Calendar changes: Spring Break will now be April 6-10 (three Raffle holidays, Holy Thursday, Good Friday). Distance Learning classes will resume April 13 and follow the schedule below. The school year will end on May 22. Seniors still end on May 15.

ScheduleMondays                                      WOW / Virtual retreat / Self-Care / Prep Day
Tuesdays and Thursdays        Purple Day schedule
Wednesdays and Fridays        Gold Day schedule                    
Attendance: Exit ticket assignments will provide the attendance record, due by 3 p.m. each day.

Communication: Please email teachers, counselors or other staff members should you have any concerns. Emails and calls will likely be returned within 24 hours, but should a delay happen please be understanding. Expect calls/emails to be returned within the normal school day 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. 

Community: Please maintain a healthy work/life balance. Reach out if you have concerns or run into challenges. Understand that many in our De La Salle community are going through a difficult and challenging time, including our teachers and students. Deal with each other graciously.

Technology: Should there be any technology issues, please contact IT at the school immediately Dennis Parks or Sheryl Anderson

The De La Salle Collegiate Student Handbook policy and procedures are still in effect for distance learning where applicable.

For questions about ...  Contact
A piece of work, resource, learning activity or class The teacher of the class
A technology-related question or issue Email sanderson@delasallehs.com or dparks@delasallehs.com
A personal, academic or social concern Your counselor
Other issue related to distance learning Email nmaus@delasallehs.com

Self-Care Days

Counseling Corner

Technology Tips