Lasallian Fund Giving

Pilots reach for the stars

How Your Support Makes a Difference

Supporting the best quality Lasallian education for Detroit area students is more important than ever. Your contribution will have an immediate impact on teaching and learning and helping us continue to provide the powerful and enriching experiences that transform the lives of De La Salle Collegiate students every year. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to De La Salle today!



Your donation fuels the future of De La Salle with an ongoing legacy, programs, and curriculum that support young men to reach their potential. Your ”Faith In Us” is changing lives and building Catholic education, a brotherhood of leaders, scholars, and students that are prepared to transform the world.

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If you would like to make a donation greater than $10,000, please contact Mr. Greg Esler, Director of Advancement, or 586-541-6254

In Honor of/In Memory of
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We publish names of our donors in the Annual Report and often write articles featuring our prominent donors in The Collegiate Magazine. If you prefer to remain anonymous within our publications, please check the box below.
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